【Announcement by the Epidemic Prevention and Control Team 】In order to ensure the campus safety, special measures of business trip, student work, recruitment process, and new staff report-on-duty process are adjusted.

1. In response to the increased domestic epidemic alert, the Epidemic Prevention Team decided to implement special measures to ensure the campus safety, as follows:
(a) Domestic business trip should be carefully evaluated for necessity. The application should be sent to the Office of Principal one month before the trip (except for emergency cases).
(b) To avoid the spread of epidemic on campus, students must provide vaccination certificate (at least two doses) in order to continue the work in the campus. For disadvantaged students, university can provide free rapid screening test. Those who are with negative result can continue to work in the campus.
(c) Recruitment work is recommended to be conduct via online interview.
(d) New staff must submit a negative rapid screening test result or a vaccination certificate of more than three doses. The attachment is explained as follows:
(d-1) Full-time research assistants, contract administrative staff, and newly recruited teaching staff must submit a physical examination report along with a photo of negative rapid screening test result in the previous day or a vaccination certificate of more than three doses. Please make sure to submit the above documents to Ms Wang in the Office of Environmental Safety and Hygiene. If you have any questions, please call at the extension of 3884.
(d-2) After verification by the Office of Environmental Safety and Hygiene, the documents will be sent to the Personnel Office for the report-on-duty process at the latest four working days before the start date. (If the documents are submitted by mail, the date is based on the date of receipt by the Personnel Office.)

2. For information related to our University's response to "Severe Special Infectious Pneumonia", please visit to the Epidemic Prevention website to receive the latest announcement.

Epidemic Prevention and Control Team, Chang Gung University
Contact person: JHUO ER-LING (ext.3877)