【Announcement of the Epidemic Prevention and Control Team】Chang Gung University COVID-19 Vaccination Status Survey - Please fill in the vaccination status survey again for all faculty, staff and students. Rewards will be issued.



1. In response to the recent increase in the epidemic situation, Covid-19 vaccines and booster vaccines are encouraged to be taken to form overall protection and reduce the occurrence of infections and serious diseases.

2. In order to comprehensively and continuously understand the vaccination coverage rate in the campus, all faculty, staff and students are requested to report the personal vaccination status (please fill in again if you had reported in the past, thank you):

(1) Reporting URL:

◆Students: https://forms.office.com/r/JuWtVBm5tf

◆Faculty and Staff: https://forms.office.com/r/vejbESWmkp

(The login account is your O365 email address. Students: student ID@cgu.edu.tw; Faculty: staff ID@cgu.edu.tw; Login password: single login password.)

(2) Please fill before Oct 10, 2022 (Monday). The following rewards will be drawn in mid-October:

※ NTD1,000 FamilyMart voucher for 5 people

※ NTD500 FamilyMart voucher for 10 people

※ NTD200 FamilyMart voucher for 100 people

※ NTD100 FamilyMart voucher for 200 people

(3) Reward distribution method will be announced shortly.


3. Please cooperate with the University's epidemic control measures: when entering the campus, you should wear a mask, wash your hands frequently, maintain a social distance, avoid talking when dining, and do not go to work or class when you are sick.

4. If you have related symptoms (such as, fever, runny nose, cough, sore throat, fatigue, muscle pain, headache, diarrhea, abnormal sense of smell or taste, shortness of breath, etc.), please do a rapid screening test.

5. If the result is positive, please make an appointment for a video/physical outpatient clinic as soon as possible. Also, please report to the University's self-reporting system to facilitate follow-up epidemic investigation.


【Chang Gung University Severe Special Infectious Pneumonia (COVID-19) Epidemic Prevention Zone】>>Notification System>>Chang Gung University Student Rapid Screening Positive/Confirmed Cases Self-reporting System: https://forms.office.com/r/yag3MS0vvT

◆Faculty and staff:

【Chang Gung University Severe Special Infectious Pneumonia (COVID-19) Epidemic Prevention Zone】>>Notification System>>Chang Gung University faculty and staff (excluding students) COVID-19 rapid screening positive/confirmed cases/close contacts self-reporting system: https://forms.office.com/r/BrDSAk4JaL